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How to Select Your Proper Laser Cladding Machine

Laser cladding machine is a surface hardening equipment based on laser-related technology, which is mainly used for metal surface modification to make it more resistant to abrasion, corrosion and oxidation. We here give a detailed elaboration to laser cladding machines from the perspective of workpiece size, shape, usage scenario, etc.

laser cladding

Ⅰ.Machine Structure

The laser cladding machine is mainly composed of laser generator, optical path system, laser cladding head, cooling system, control system and working platform. As hardcore component, laser generator can play a decisive role in main technical parameters like laser power, laser spot shape and laser density.

  1. Laser power of laser cladding machine ranges from 1500W, 2000W, 3000W, 4000W, 6000W to 12000W, etc.;
  2. Laser spot shapes and sizes of commonly used laser generator include 2mm*2mm, 4*4mm square spot, φ4mm circular spot, as well as 20*2mm and 40*2mm rectangular wide spot.
  3. Its powder feeding mode is classified as preset and synchronous type.

In the preset powder feeding method, alloy powder is pre-covered on substrate surface, and laser beam is used to heat it up and melt it. After laser beam leaves, the molten metal quickly solidifies on the surface of substrate to form a metallurgically bonded cladding layer. Regardless of its inflexible work mode and failure to clad some special-shaped and small workpieces, laser cladding also features high efficiency, uniform cladding layer and firm bonding with substrate. This technically mature craft has been widely used to strengthening shaft components of coal mine machinery, steel mill and petroleum drilling industry.

About synchronous feeding, special powder feeder, driven by airflow, is used to spray powders on substrate surface at the same time of laser shining. In this way, the substrate receives much less heat input, and cladding layer gets better with lower roughness. It is more suitable for special-shaped parts, and can work in conjunction with mechanical arm to carry out non-disassembly maintenance for complex spatial workpieces. High-speed laser cladding technology adopting coaxial powder feeding is also relatively mature, but making high demands on components such as powder feeding device, shielding gas and cladding equipment.

laser cladding

Ⅱ. How to Select Laser Cladding Machine

In view of machine shape and applicable industry, it can be categorized as movable, high-speed, robot-assisted, internal & external integrated and special-purpose laser cladding machine.

  1. Shaft (solid and hollow) workpiece

When shaft diameter is 160mm-180mm, please choose high-speed inner hole coaxial powder feeding laser cladding machine.

When shaft diameter is 180mm-220mm, please choose 6kw wide-spot laser cladding machine.

When shaft diameter is larger than 220mm, please choose 12kw wide-spot preset powder feeding laser cladding machine.

  1. Other special-shaped workpieces

If needing to clad shaft, planar, cambered and other complex-shaped workpieces, please prefer to robot-assisted laser cladding machine, in order to satisfy various workpieces.

  1. Application requirements

1) On-site repair

Movable laser cladding machine is a 3D device specially developed for repairing the worn track and large workpieces on site, which can adapt to different working conditions.

2) Inner and outer walls of shaft

The internal & external integrated laser cladding machine is a high-efficient equipment specially developed for shaft workpieces. It can not only be used for outer surface of shaft, but also for strengthening of its inner wall. This multi-purpose machine helps to save costs of machine purchase.

3) Special cladding machine

Custom-made solutions can be provided according to actual needs. In order to clad in different ways, positioner, mechanical arm and multi-axis linkage are available. Working with kitting materials, crafts and services, it may satisfy different customers well. Now, our successful cases include sucker rod and cutting pick cladding machines.

laser cladding

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